

The indicators determine the unusual nature of a transaction. They also describe in which situations money laundering and / or terrorist financing might be involved. Upon designation as unusual, a transaction must be reported promptly, within 5 business days. The indicators apply to all financial and designated non-financial service providers, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

The indicators are divided into objective and subjective indicators. Reporting is mandatory for objective indicators. Reporting under the subjective indicators is also mandatory if the service provider deems that the situation described in the indicator is applicable.

Code Objective indicators
130101 Transactions reported to the police or the Public Prosecutor’s Office
130102 A transaction performed by or for the benefit of a natural person, legal person, group or entity established in countries or territories which are mentioned on a, pursuant to the Sanctions State Ordinance 2006 (AB 2007 no.24), accepted list (ISIL (Da ‘ esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List and UN-Taliban List), or which appear on a list designated by the Head of the FIU.
130103 A giro transaction /transfer of Afl. 500,000 or more
130104 A cash transaction of Afl. 25,000 or more
130105 A cash transaction of Afl. 5,000 or more (indicator is only applicable to casinos)


Code Subjective indicators
130201 A transaction which gives reason to assume that it can be related to money laundering
130202 A transaction gives reason to assume that it can be related to terrorist financing

For the correct application of the indicators, we request you to consult the indicators manual:


You can also download the indicators for unusual transactions and the explanatory memorandum.

Regulation Indicators Unusual Transactions

74.35 KB | 9670 downloads

Explanatory note - Regulation Indicators Unusual Transactions

72.87 KB | 9362 downloads