Author Archives: FIU-Aruba

Real Estate Sector – guidance on reporting in practice

We regularly receive questions from real estate agents regarding their obligation to report unusual transactions as they are often affiliated with a real estate company ‘brand name’. Therefore, to support reporting entities, particularly real estate agents, in determining whether they are required to report an unusual transaction report, please find a document providing guidance on

Posted in General |

Regulation (EU) 2022 1230

AMENDMENT TO THE NATIONAL SANCTION LIST Having regard for, in particular, Article 2 (3) of Council Regulation 2580/2001 of 27 December 2001 regarding the implementation of restrictive measures against persons, groups, and entities with the aim of combating terrorism, the Council has reevaluated the established list as adopted in Regulation (EU) 2022/147 of 3 February

Posted in Sanctions, Terrorism financing |

Annual Report 2017 – 2020

Due to various circumstances, the FIU was not able to publish its annual reports over the de period 2017 – 2020. Therefore, a bundle form is chosen to report over the afore-mentioned period to make up for this backlog. We thank the Minister of Finance who bears the parliamentary responsibility for the FIU, the former

Posted in General |

Screening of EU sanction lists in relation to the situation in Ukraine

The invasion by the Russian Federation of Ukraine has prompted the European Union (EU) to implement a broad range of restrictive measures that target, amongst others, the financial sector, defense, airspace, energy, and the transport sector. Furthermore, due to the recent participation of Belarus with the Russian Federation in the aggression against Ukraine, the EU

Posted in Alerts, Algemeen |


Having regard for, in particular, Article 2 (3) of Council Regulation 2580/2001 of 27 December 2001 regarding the implementation of restrictive measures against persons, groups, and entities with the aim of combating terrorism, the Council has reevaluated the established list as adopted in Regulation (EU) 2021/1188 of 19 July 2021. The Council has concluded that

Posted in Sanctions |

Dig deeper – Outsmarting the proliferation financer

Service providers can contribute to the countering of the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in several ways, one of which is by conducting a sound screening of the sanction lists. These sanction lists pertain to North Korea and Iran in particular. When conducting a screening, it is important to keep in mind

Posted in Press releases & outreach, Sanctions, Terrorism financing |

FATF Public Statements: Situation in Afghanistan & Financing of ISIL, Al Qaeda and Affiliates – October 2021

FATF Public Statements: Situation in Afghanistan & Financing of ISIL, Al Qaeda and Affiliates – October 2021 During the most recent FATF Plenary meeting, discussions were held and statements were subsequently issued regarding the situation in Afghanistan as well as the risks associated with the financing of ISIL, Al Qaeda and Affiliates. All service providers

Posted in Public statements FATF |

FATF: High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – October 2021

FATF: High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – October 2021 Periodically, the FATF publishes a list of countries that have significant strategic deficiencies in their national AML/CFT/CPF regimes. For the countries that are considered to be of high risk, all jurisdictions should apply enhanced due diligence or, in the most serious cases, apply

Posted in Public statements FATF |

FATF: Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – October 2021

FATF: Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – October 2021 Periodically, the FATF publishes a list of countries of which strategical AML/CFT/CPF shortcomings have been identified. Whenever the FATF places a jurisdiction under increased monitoring, it means that the country has committed itself to mitigate the identified shortcomings within a certain timeframe. Within this timeframe, the country

Posted in Public statements FATF |


The FIU can publish designations pursuant to article 2, paragraph 1, section b of the Regulation Indicators Unusual Transactions. These designations pertain to the European Union (EU) and United Nations Security Council (UNSCR) sanction lists as well as sanction lists that have been imposed by the EU or the UNSCR and were subsequently implemented through

Posted in Sanctions |