Author Archives: FIU-Aruba

Annual Report 2023

Front Page Annual Report 2023
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Publication FIU-Aruba Annual Report 2022

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba is pleased to announce the publication of the FIU-Aruba Annual Report 2022, now available for review on our website. This comprehensive report highlights our key achievements, financial performance, and strategic initiatives over the year 2022. The report can be found under the following link:

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FATF statement Periodically, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) publishes a list of countries with identified strategical AML/CFT/CPF shortcomings. Whenever FATF places a jurisdiction under increased monitoring, it means that the jurisdiction has committed itself to mitigate the identified shortcomings within a certain timeframe. Within this timeframe, the jurisdiction will be subject to increased monitoring

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FATF statement The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regularly publishes a list of countries that have significant strategic deficiencies in their national AML/CFT/CPF regimes. For the countries that are considered to be of high risk, all jurisdictions should apply enhanced due diligence or, in the most serious cases, apply countermeasures in order to protect the

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Implementation of amendments to the Aruban sanction regime

  The following amendment to the sanctions regime has recently been implemented:   Interim Sanction Decree Priority Sanction Regimes (AB2024 no.19): In the interest of the international legal order and the Kingdom’s foreign policy Annex I of the Interim Sanction Decree Priority Sanction Regimes is updated with: EU Regulation 2024/287 and Decision (CFSP) 2024/254, both

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Amendments to the sanctions regime

Amendments to the sanctions regime have recently been implemented:   Interim Sanction Decree Priority Sanction Regimes (AB2024 no.17): Inclusion of a humanitarian exemption. Amendment to Annex I to include Sudan and Niger   Decree to amend the Sanction Decree Cyber Attacks (AB2024 no.18): Inclusion of a humanitarian exemption. Amendments to the Sanction Decree Human Rights

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We are looking for Financial Analysts

We are looking for professionals who speak Dutch (besides Papiamento, English, and Spanish) and have Dutch nationality. De Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba (FIU-Aruba) is een zelfstandig onderdeel binnen het ministerie van Financiën en Cultuur en heeft onder meer als doelstelling om op nationaal en internationaal niveau een bijdrage te leveren aan het voorkomen en

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Instruction: Suspension of a Transaction (Opschorting Transacties)

Effective 21 November 2023, all financial and non-financial service providers are required to include a reference to “Opschorting” in the description of a subjective unusual transaction report (indicators 130201 and 130202) regarding a transaction that is eligible for suspension (opschorting). Currently, the instruction is only available in Dutch. An unofficial translation will be published at

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Following the attacks that were executed by the Hamas on 7 October 2023 on Israel, the situation in the Middle-Eastern region has escalated. A former leader of the Hamas has called upon the Muslim world to protest on Friday 13 October 2023 in support of the Palestinians and to escalate the response to Israel by

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Publication of guidance document related to red flags

FIU-Aruba has published a guidance document on its website: Red flags: Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Proliferation Financing & Associated Predicate Offences (Red flags: Witwassen, Terrorismefinanciering, Proliferatiefinanciering & Gerelateerde Misdrijven) Currently, the guidance document is only available in Dutch. An unofficial translation will be published at a later moment.

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