Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba

Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba (FIU-Aruba) was founded on March 1, 1996. The FIU is an independent and autonomous government body. It is the national reporting center for the receipt and analysis of unusual transaction reports, submitted by the service providers (the reporting entities). One of the tasks of the FIU is the receipt and dissemination of information and financial intelligence relevant to money laundering, associated predicate offenses, terrorist financing and the financing of proliferation.

Happy Holidays from the Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba

Mutual Evaluation Report of Aruba

The Fourth Round Mutual Evaluation of Aruba was adopted during the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) Plenary in May 2022 and published in July 2022. Aruba was placed in the regular follow-up process and will report back to the CFATF in November 2024.

57th Caribbean Financial Action Task Force Plenary Meetings held in Aruba  26 November 2023 – 1 December 2023

On behalf of Aruba, the Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba received the 2023 Best Regional AML/CFT Case Award (BREMOLT) during the 57th CFATF Plenary Meetings held in Aruba.

This award is a recognition for the hard work and dedication of all the law enforcement professionals to safeguard the financial integrity of our systems. This best case award most importantly shows the cooperation and collaboration between the authorities of the AML/CFT/CPF-chain in Aruba.